İlan No |
72502 |
İlan Tarihi |
26.02.2020 |
Şehir |
Ataşehir, İstanbul |
Fiyat |
1.000,00 Türk Lirası (TL) |
Kategori |
Ataşehir İstanbul Köpek ilanları |
Görüntülenme: 975 |
We specialize in Tiny T-Cup Pomeranian puppies with exceptional faces and beautiful coats. Over 100 Celebrities have purchased our puppies. We have different colors and exceptional puppies that are very well taken care for. We started to house train some of our puppies to make it easier for our clients. We do ship anywhere in the country. Shipping is very safe and guaranteed. If you are looking for a super tiny puppy, then you have found the right place. Be smart and get your new puppy only from a good reputable breeder now to see all available puppies and why celebrities like Leonardo DeCaprio, Will Smith and Mily Cyrus chose to get their new puppies from us. Contact us asap because they will not last long and we are offering a discount of %55 on each puppy plus free shipping. .
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