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Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb

Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb

Bölge: Merkez, Ankara, Türkiye
Fiyat : 400,00 Dolar ($)
Bu ilana benzeyen 100 lerce ilanı inceleyin
400,00 $
Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsun...
 İlan No
 İlan Tarihi
 Merkez, Ankara
 400,00 Dolar ($)
 Ankara Cep Telefonu
 Görüntülenme: 2069
Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb
Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb
Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb

We specialized in the distributor of Mobile phones such as New iPhone,iPads, MacBook, Samsung, Digital Cameras, .. Original Apple iPhone 6 & 6 Plus- 128GB/64GB Factory Unlocked .. and also Laptops, Games etc. Our objective is to develop long term relationships with our customers. To do so we continuously provide our existing customers new products advanced designs and patented innovations so that they can stay on the top of their markets.

All the product below are brand new and they come with the minimum of 12 months international warranty and Return Policy..

Offer ! Offer !! Offer !!!



WhatsApp: +254739730035
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]

Apple Iphone:

Apple iPhone 6 128GB cost $500 usd
Apple iPhone 6 64GB cost $450 usd
Apple iPhone 6 16GB cost $420 usd

Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB cost $550 usd
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB cost $500 usd
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB cost $450 usd

Apple iPhone 5S 64GB cost $420 usd
Apple iPhone 5S 32GB cost $400 usd

Apple Ipad:

Apple iPad 5 Air Wi-Fi + 4 64GB cost $450 usd
Apple iPad 5 Air Wi-Fi + 4 32GB cost $400 usd
Apple iPad 5 Air Wi-Fi + 4 16GB cost $350 usd


BlackBerry Passport cost $350 usd
Blackberry Porsche Design P9981 SPECIAL PIN cost $400 usd
Blackberry Z30 cost $200 usd
Blackberry Q10 cost $250 usd


Samsung Galaxy S6 128GB cost $420 usd
Samsung Galaxy S6 64GB cost $400 usd
Samsung Galaxy S5 32GB cost $350 usd
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 + Gear Watch cost $400 usd
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 + Gear Watch cost $300 usd

Sony Xperia Z3 + Sony Watch cost $350 usd
Sony Xperia Z2 + Sony Watch cost $300 usd

We shipout worldwide via Professional and reliable courier companies FedEx / DHL / UPS within 24hrs of contract sealed, Customers never experience what is called Breach of contract since our operation, Fidelity guarantee our service, our product are 100% international warranty and guarante.

Etiketler: Wts:, apple, iphone, 64gb/128gb, samsung, galaxy, s6, 64gb/128gb, galaxy s20 fe, iphone 12 mini, samsung tab a, samsung m31, Samsung Level U2 Bluetooth Kulaklık,
Güvenli Alışveriş Uyarıları

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* Ön ödeme isteyen satıcılara karşı dikkatli olun.
* Yurtdışından ürün satan yabancılardan alışveriş yapmayınız.
* İlanda kullanılan resimler gerçek olmayabilir.

Dolandırıcılık mağduru olmamak için ilan sahibi ile yüzyüze görüşmeden ve alacağınız ürün ve hizmet hakkında detaylı bilgi sahibi olmadan ödeme yapmayın ve alışveriş öncesi satıcının isim ve adresini öğreniniz.

İlan Sahibi
Scott Hernandez

muhasebe programları

Bu İlanı Paylaş
İlana Cevap Yazın

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Uyarı : Gereksiz ve rahatsız edici mesaj yazanların site kullanımı yasaklanır.

Resimde görülen 4 rakam:

Wts: apple iphone 6 64gb/128gb,samsung galaxy s6 64gb/128gb Merkez Ankara

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