Seri ilanlar
Alış, Satış ilanları
Diğer - Alış, satış ilanları

Turkexporters doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc

Turkexporters doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc

Bölge: Adalar, İstanbul, Türkiye
Fiyat : Görüşülür
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Turkexporters doors,shoes,lead sheet...
 İlan No
 İlan Tarihi
 Adalar, İstanbul
 İrtibat Telefonu
  +90 5323580057
 Adalar İstanbul Diğer - Alış, satış ilanları
 Görüntülenme: 2686
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters  doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
Turkexporters doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc
+90 5323580057
Shoes,wooden doors,steel doors,lead sheet,lead doors,lead glass,iron wrought doors etc
Stanley Turkey
Our company produces wooden doors, steel doors, lead covered hospital doors , etc.for the Middle East and African countries. At every stage of manufacturing, export- transport and installation, we supply high quality material and workmanship. Based in Turkey, our services extend to Nigeria -Lagos and other provinces and all African countries, Iraq , Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
Wooden doors
Stanley wooden doors are manufactured with high technology, in high quantities in short time and delivered to our customers with precise installation without any errors. Wood and metal accessories used in doors are all of Turkish and German origin and have quality certificates .
Stanley steel doors
Stanley security doors are specifically manufactured for security purposes with high safety norms. These doors have a central lock system, locking at 14 points and additionally integrated alarm system inside of the door ; alarm can be switched on and off with remote contol. Our doors are suitable for any place such as homes , offices, jewelry stores etc. requiring high protection.
Select words:
Wooden doors, Nigeria doors, lagos wooden doors , Port Harcourt doors, steel doors , hotel doors, nigeria hotel door , africa door , africa hotel door , africa steel door, libya doors, libya hotel door , lagos hotel door, nigeria steel door, lead doors lagos , nigeria lead doors, door x-ray , x-ray door africa , abuja door , steel door abuja , abuja hotel door , x-ray doors abuja, somalia doors,South africa doors,ghana doors,angola doors,namibia doors,ethiopia doors,dr.congo doors,egypt doors,Libya doors,tanzania doors, Kenya doors,Madagaskar doors,botswana doors, mozambique doors,burkina faso doors,Gabon doors,guinea doors,algeria doors, casablanca doors,niger doors,africa wooden hotel doors,quality doors,tunisia doors,tunisia hote.

Etiketler: Turkexporters, doors, shoes, lead, sheet, lead, doors, etc,
Güvenli Alışveriş Uyarıları

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+90 5323580057

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Turkexporters doors,shoes,lead sheet,lead doors etc Adalar İstanbul

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